Public Records
New York City Data Sources
NYC Department of City Planning
New York City’s 59 community districts, established by local law in 1975, illustrate the remarkable diversity of the city’s land uses and population. They range in size from less than 900 acres to almost 15,000 acres, and in population from fewer than 35,000 residents to more than 200,000. These and other facts about the districts are presented in the profiles that follow. Each district profile contains summary data on population size; birth, death and infant mortality rates; land area and land uses; and levels of income support
The American Community Survey (ACS) is the most extensive nationwide survey currently available. From its annual releases, we are able to examine the city’s detailed demographic, socioeconomic, and housing characteristics.
Census/ACS Population Factfinder
Census Quick Facts
Quick search: You can use this to do a quick search for county-wide data.
You may want to subscribe for regular census updates.
There are also handy infographics which might do in a pinch if you don’t have time to make your own.
Census Infographics & Visualizations
You can use this tool to create interactive maps to embed in your story.
COVID-19 Weekly Transportation Reports
The Department of City Planning (DCP) is compiling data to help understand how COVID-19 is affecting New York City’s transportation network. The reports include information about subway ridership, bike shares, traffic speeds, social distancing and more. We are prioritizing work that relates to the economic and employment landscape, with an eye to supporting the pandemic response and an equitable recovery.
Uses Census information and other federal and local data to take a detailed look at the origins, spatial settlement, and other characteristics of the foreign-born population in New York City and in the larger metropolitan region.
– Business: legally operating businesses, licensed retailers, DCA inspections
– Education: SAT scores, math results, school attendance and enrollment, graduation outcomes, class size
– Housing: DOB Complaints Received, Building Permits, Top Ten Elevator Offenders, NYCHA Facilities and Service Centers, Damage By Sandy By Age Of Building
– Health: New York City Restaurant Inspection Results, New York City Leading Causes of Death, NYC School meals income levels, HIV Testing Locations, Rodent Inspection, Mental Health Service Finder Data, Most Popular Baby Names by Sex and Mother’s Ethnic Group
– Public safety: NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions, Historical New York City Crime Data, NYPD 7 Major Felony Incident Map, Motor Vehicle Collisions, Inmate Stabbing. Slashing Incidents, FDNY Line Of Duty Deaths, Emergency Response Incidents, NYC Park Crime Data
– Social services: 311 Service Requests from 2010 to Present, Lower Manhattan Complaint caused by Construction, Directory Of Homeless Drop-In Centers, ACS Community Partners, Cash Assistance Recipients in NYC, Abuse/Neglect by Community District (CD)
– Transportation: For Hire Vehicles (FHV) – Active Drivers, 2014 Yellow Taxi Trip Data, 2015 Green Taxi Trip Data
– City government: 2013 Campaign Contributions, Mayor’s Management Report
The Mayors Office of Operations has data, reports, and statistics related to city services and agencies. From this page you can access a wide array of performance-related information including citywide and agency-specific performance.
The Mayor’s Management Report (MMR), which is mandated by the City Charter, serves as a public account of the performance of City agencies, measuring whether they are delivering services efficiently, effectively and expeditiously. The MMR is released twice a year. The PMMR provides an early update of how the City is performing four months into the fiscal year. The full-fiscal MMR, published each September, looks retrospectively at the City’s performance during the prior fiscal year.
Citywide Performance Reporting (CPR) tool
Agency performance reporting is part of the Citywide Performance Reporting (CPR) tool. It presents critical performance measures from 44 City agencies in an easy-to-use online format. Most of the data in CPR is updated monthly, on the first of every month. Users can search for measures of various services, analyze long-term trends and review agencies’ key performance measures.
This is a good site to use if you are doing a story that involves a city agency such as: CUNY, Administration for Child Services, Civilian Review and Complaint Board, Department of Education, Department of Correction, Department of Homeless Services, FDNY or the NYPD. You can review annual performance reports for the agencies and often get very helpful statistics for your story.
Equity NYC, which includes what was the Social Indicators and Equity Report, and five Citywide Equity Metrics, is an interactive website that reports the status of racial and social equity in New York City and the City’s work to address disparities.
The Social Indicators and Equity Report (SIER) provides a statistical portrait of the city – one that shows the economic, social, environmental, and physical health of New Yorkers, disaggregated by factors such as race/ethnicity, gender, location, and income. In addition, it outlines policies and programs designed to address the issues raised in the analysis, including efforts to address existing social and racial inequality measured by the indicators.
The eight domains that frame this report are broad categories that often cut across the responsibilities of many City agencies:
1. Education
2. Health and Wellbeing
3. Housing
4. Empowered Residents and Neighborhoods
5. Economic Security and Mobility
6. Core Infrastructure and the Environment
7. Personal and Community Safety
8. Diverse and Inclusive Government
This site is for historical records on NYC and includes collections from the Municipal Archives, Vital Records, Tax Records. There are many interesting photo galleries of historic NYC and related documents.
The Online Gallery provides free and open research access to over 800,000 items digitized from the Municipal Archives’ collections, including photographs, maps, motion-pictures and audio recordings.
Throughout the 20th century, the New York City Police Department (NYPD) conducted overt and covert surveillance on groups and individuals identified as potential security threats to the City. This collection comprises black and white 16mm silent surveillance films. They were shot by the NYPD Photo Unit for Manhattan (PUM) for the Bureau of Special Services and Investigations (BOSSI). The subjects include a broad range of political activist groups and events from 1960 to 1980.
Example: Giuliani archives
Government Publications Portal
This can be a useful — if haphazardly organized — resource for reports for and about city agencies.
School Progress Report
Progress Reports help parents, teachers, principals, and school communities understand schools’ strengths and weaknesses. Progress Reports grade each school with an A, B, C, D, or F and are based student progress (60%), student performance (25%), and school environment (15%).
If you are doing a story about a school, you can find the latest progress reports here.
You can also learn about a particular school or community by reading the results of the school survey.
“The NYC School Survey helps school leaders understand what key members of the school community say about the learning environment at each school. The information captured by the survey is designed to support a dialogue among all members of the school community about how to make the school a better place to learn. ”
NY State Department of Education
Use this site for state-wide data and news on education.
It also issues report cards for schools.
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
COVID-19 Data
Environment & Health Data Portal
Publications: NYC Vital Signs
These are quick data-rich facts sheets on a range of topics.
Analyze and visualize NYC health data from surveys, disease reports and vital records by sex, race/ethnicity, age and other stratifications.
NYC Department of Transportation Library
Here you can find a range of reports on transportation topics like Traffic and Crash Data
– Vision Zero Year-Seven Report (PDF)
Crash Data:
Injuries by Year shapefile geoJSON
Injuries by Month shapefile geoJSON
Fatalities by Year shapefile geoJSON
Fatalities by Month shapefile geoJSON
MTA Facts & Figures (Historical)
MTA Turnstile Data by Day (Current)
Economy, Employment & Business
NYC Office of Management and the Budget
NY Department of Labor Statistics
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Example data set: demographics of the labor force
Department of Consumer Affairs
DCA licenses nearly 80,000 businesses in 55 different industries. You can use the Search for a DCA Licensee service to see if an individual or business holds a DCA license.
Examples of reports: A Study of Gender Pricing in New York City
Property Records
The Offices of the City Register maintain the official public records for New York City Real and Personal Property transfers, interest, and ownership for the Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and Queens. Records dated after 1966 can be recorded and corrected through the Automated City Register Information System (ACRIS) online or at ACRIS terminals in City Register Offices. Records dated before 1966 can only be accessed in the City Register’s Office in the borough where the property is located.
The Department’s Buildings Information System (BIS) provides the public with real-time access to Department data and information, including: Complaints, Inspections, Application processing, Accounting information, Periodic safety reports , Equipment tracking, Trade licensing and contractor tracking
Department of Sanitation: Reports, Statistics
Criminal Justice System
Fire Department
Civil courts
Findlaw Directory on NY Courts
See Through New York
On this non-profit site you will find payroll, budgets and pension information for New York employees.
NY State portals
Data and Statistics about the U.S.
United States Bankruptcy Court
County portal
National Association of Counties
Business and Corporation Records
National Crime
US Bureau of Justice Statistics and Publications
NY State Department of Health Statistics
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
SAMHSA Substance Abuse Statistics
US Commerce Department – Bureau of Economic Analysis
Census – Business and Industry
Employment and Labor
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Food and Agriculture
National Agriculture Statistics Service
Office of Management and the Budget Federal Spending
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
ICE Online Detainee Locator System
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Census on Foreign Born Population
RITA-National Bureau of Transportation Statistics
National Center for Charitable Statistics