
Online quizzes offer unique instructional opportunities to engage users with your content. They can be used to test knowledge and to gather user opinions.

News, Information, Trivia

Quiz: Can You Tell a ‘Trump’ Fridge From a ‘Biden’ Fridge?

Can You Answer These Sex Ed Questions? A Post-Roe Quiz

Are You Even Fun? A Mostly Unscientific Quiz.
Do you live on the edge of chaos, or is quietly people watching your idea of a good time? Are you doing it for the gram or for the actual fun of it?

Architecture, in Abstract: Quiz No. 2

What do you call a person who moves to another country in search of a better life?

Charlie Sheen v Muammar Gaddafi: whose line is it anyway?

The US actor and the Libyan leader have produced some choice lines recently. Can you distinguish between them?

Executioners vs. Veterinarians

“The Marshall Project compared two ways this country legally dispenses death: the execution of death-row prisoners and the euthanizing of incurably sick dogs and cats. See if you can guess which rules apply to which category of condemned creature.” — The Marshall Project


Spot the Ball


NYTimes News Quiz

Ranked Choice Voting


Find the mimic

Charlie Sheen v Muammar Gaddafi: whose line is it anyway?

Pandemic Life, two years later: Where do you fit in?

Dialect Quiz

How Self-Compassionate Are You?

Make Your Own Cartoon

Examples: https://twitter.com/hashtag/DIYNewYorker?src=hashtag_click

Guess the Dress: Who will where what to the Golden Globes?
Example: AP Social Media Guidelines Quiz